Combining your home and auto insurance policy is a great way to save money, especially if you reside in an area with high insurance premiums. There are insurance companies that provide home insurance with auto insurance to reduce your policy fees and premiums and give you combined protection.
From a broad financial perspective, two policies for the house and car can result in incurring two policy and administrative fees, double deductibles, and twice the taxes that are required to be paid. Consolidating a home and auto insurance policy into one can help minimize the fees because the combination is accounted for as a single insurance policy. This is also known as 'dual protection' policy. Some insurance companies might be able to help you save up to 20 percent with a combined home and auto insurance policy.
Start With an Insurance Quote
Indicate that you are looking for a combined auto and home insurance when you request an insurance quote from a reputable, independent online insurance agent. Get as many quotes as possible from different service providers and compare them to make sure that you get lower premiums and excellent coverage. Requesting insurance quotes online is faster and provides immediate results, so you can save time.
Get Dual Protection Policy
There are some things that you must do to improve your chances of getting a good dual protection insurance policy for your home and car. Installing home protection devices like burglar alarms, smoke alarms, and CCTVs can be valuable in the long run in terms of safety, as well as for driving down insurance premiums. Living in a secure area or with low crime rates can also help reduce monthly premiums.
For your car, the premium amount can be reduced by up to 50 percent when the deductibles are raised to a higher value. If you have an inexpensive car, the coverage rate for collisions can also be lower or omitted, depending on the insurance provider.